The Nest Is Empty-NOW WHAT?

We Decided To Embark On A Journey To Change How We Experience & View Life

Life Changes

Life is a journey about change. Change is constant-whether we embrace it or fight it.

Suddenly we went from two young kids trying to figure out how to raise our family to parents of adult children!

Not only parents of adult children but "middle age" empty nesters who have watched a lot of our older generation pass. Losing the older generation of your family not only moves you up in the pecking order but it also makes you shockingly aware of how fleeting life is and how quickly the days pass.

We did some soul searching and decided we do not want to continue into the rest of our lives being typical-saddled with debt and waiting to "retire" to live.

Instead we want to embark on a journey for change. To change the way we spend our time and what our daily focus is.  So why not start an epic journey? A journey to change how we experience and view life.

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Looks like a lot of fun!

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Let's Embark On A Journey

We Will Make Some Major Changes And Shake Our Lives Up!